A middle-aged white man must pay the ultimate price for self-discovery as an irrational quest for a full head of hear takes over him and unleashes his inner-most demons.
A middle-aged white man must pay the ultimate price for self-discovery as an irrational quest for a full head of hear takes over him and unleashes his inner-most demons.
Politically Fraught Love Story
When they meet at a peaceful Himalayan retreat, an Israeli ex-soldier and an older Lebanese man develop an unwavering magnetic attraction, but can they overcome their brutally conflicting political and personal histories?
Politically Fraught Love Story
When they meet at a peaceful Himalayan retreat, an Israeli ex-soldier and an older Lebanese man develop an unwavering magnetic attraction, but can they overcome their brutally conflicting political and personal histories?
There was a Boy
Political Drama
At the risk of betraying his dead father's love, a gay American Orthodox Jew sets off on a journey to understand the Palestinian cause.
Political Drama
At the risk of betraying his dead father's love, a gay American Orthodox Jew sets off on a journey to understand the Palestinian cause.
Party Hardy
R-rated Animation
When they learn that Tom Hardy, the mother of all men, is coming to town on a humanitarian refugee mission, a young gay man and his quirky girlfriend concoct a plan to take advantage of him.
R-rated Animation
When they learn that Tom Hardy, the mother of all men, is coming to town on a humanitarian refugee mission, a young gay man and his quirky girlfriend concoct a plan to take advantage of him.
Ecological Thriller (1 Hour TV Drama)
At the onset of the Syrian civil war, an international group of scientists embark on a dangerous journey to smuggle an endangered collection of landrace seeds, against treacherous odds, to deliver them to the Svalbard Doomsday Vault on a Norwegian north pole island.
Ecological Thriller (1 Hour TV Drama)
At the onset of the Syrian civil war, an international group of scientists embark on a dangerous journey to smuggle an endangered collection of landrace seeds, against treacherous odds, to deliver them to the Svalbard Doomsday Vault on a Norwegian north pole island.
The Funambulist
Historic Fabulousness (1 Hour TV Drama)
In Progress.
Historic Fabulousness (1 Hour TV Drama)
In Progress.